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The National Reward Reward Scheme

Using the scheme is easy with no personal registration, logins or passwords required. There are no extra costs involved, all the prices, terms and deliveries are the same as going directly to the individual websites. Simply select the school, which will be remembered for future visits and use the links to shop online with your favourite retailers.

Our Aim

While schools manage their own budget, provided by the Local Education Authority, most schools also raise voluntary funds.

These "School Funds" are used to purchase supplementary equipment for music, sports, clubs, the grounds, library and the school environment, which go to improve life for the children.

Most schools have fund raising events and sponsorships from time to time. There is often the opportunity to make small donations.

Schools via the parents and friends collect tokens from stores and products to obtain equipment, but the rewards are often small or involve spending many thousands of pounds with one store.

The aim of The National Reward Scheme is to provide the supplementary equipment for schools without cost to the individual, by simply using the website to find and purchase goods and services online.

There are no extra costs involved, all the prices, offers, terms and deliveries are exactly the same as if you went directly to the individual online stores.

Every effort has been made to check the content of the participating stores by schoolfunds. Schoolfunds does not accept companies with offensive, illegal, immoral or otherwise distasteful content. We have no gambling sites other than the national lottery website and sites that may contain free competitions as part of promotions.

Any website or retailer that does not to comply with our high ethical and moral standards will be removed immediately. This policy is to protect both the users of our website and the integrity of our participating retailers.

This section was last revised on 2 May 2008.

Privacy Policy

Schoolfunds are fully committed to personal privacy and the following notes outline our information practices. If you feel we are not abiding by our policy or if you have any questions please contact us at the address below.

Schoolfunds does not have any automatic pop-up advertising windows and we actively discourage there use, but are unable to enforce our wishes on other companies.

Personal Information

We do not collect any personal data without prior permission. The only data we use as part of The National School Reward Scheme is the selected school information.

We may collect basic personal information (Name, Selected School, email address etc.) from you as part of our registration process to enable us to send relevant information to you with regard to your selected school ( total points, Rewards, etc) and where approved by you special offers and seasonal reminders.

In addition we may collect information on your shopping preferences when you complete our on-line questionnaires.

We also collect information on shopping activities with our partners as part of allocating points to your selected school account. We never collect your personal shopping activities, only the shopping activities of the selected school reference.

From time to time we may also ask for additional personal information as part of a promotion/competition

Use of Information

By using the schoolfunds website and registering your details, you agree that we can communicate with you via email where provided, relevant news and ways to earn points that we think will be of interest to you. You may opt out of this at any time by either clicking the opt_out link at the bottom of any emails or alternatively sending an email to us at the address below with the words "Remove" in the subject box.

You may at any time remove yourself from The National School Reward Scheme in which case no additional communication will be sent from schoolfunds to you

From time to time we will perform analysis on our school groups and transaction databases. The results of this analysis may be released to third parties, but only in aggregate form and will contain no personal information at all.


Schoolfunds uses cookies to track your use of The National School Reward Scheme, ease your use of the site and provide personalised features. You can normally alter the settings of your browser not to accept cookies, and if you do so you can still use most of the features on our web site.

Data Protection

The Data Protection Act allows you to have access to information schoolfunds holds about you and, where appropriate to have it corrected or deleted and a small administration charge of £5 will be made when providing information, this will be donated to the annual prize draw.


We reserve the right to access and disclose individual information to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests. We also reserve the rights to disclose individually identifiable information to third parties where a complaint arises concerning your use of this web site, where that use does not comply with our terms and conditions.

Schoolfunds may amend this privacy policy at any time by posting the amended terms on its Website. All amended terms are automatically effective immediately once they are posted.

Copyright 2003-2009 All rights reserved.

This Policy was last revised on 2 May 2008.

Terms and Conditions

General ("schoolfunds"),  provides you with access to this web site (the "Web Site") and the services and The National School Reward Scheme ("the "Scheme", formally Schoolfunds Rewards Scheme) available on the Web Site (the "Services" and "The National School Reward Scheme" defined more under the section "Services" and "The National School Reward Scheme" below).

Access to and use of the Services and is governed by these Terms of Use (the "Agreement"). By accessing or using the Services, you indicate your agreement to be bound by the Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not use this Website.


Schoolfunds helps visitors find what they are looking for on the World Wide Web by enabling them to reach other third-party sites that have advertised with Schoolfunds by clicking on hypertext-linked Banners, Keywords, Search listings or Menu Buttons published on the Web Site. We may also offer additional free content on the Website from time to time (including news, weather etc.) provided by third parties.

Schoolfunds uses reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy or content and availability of links on the Web Site. However, Schoolfunds does not control or take any responsibility for the content, accuracy, capability, safety, availability, legality or quality of items available on or through advertisers web sites or any third party web sites that may be accessed directly or indirectly via this Web Site, and is not liable or responsible for any actions you might take in reliance on the content of any such web site or this Web Site. Schoolfunds does not control or take any responsibility for any transactions between you and such sites (including as to personal data, confidential information or purchases of goods or services).

Nothing contained in the Services is an offer or promise by Schoolfunds or any advertiser to sell any product or service for a specific price or on any specific terms, and Schoolfunds does not guarantee the price, performance, terms, product, availability, information and/or services offered by any advertiser. In the event of any dispute with any advertiser or other third-party, you hereby release to the fullest extent allowable by law, Schoolfunds (and all Schoolfunds directors, employees, agents, content providers and service providers) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.

The National School Reward Scheme

Unless otherwise specifically notified, Reward Points ("points") can only be earned via the schoolfunds web site, and through following all and any instructions regarding earning points. A participant's failure to correctly follow any required instructions or procedures may result in no points being earned, for which the participant will have no recourse against schoolfunds or any participating companies.

Points earned are recorded against your school account information, however any points earned are never available for redemption until payment has been received in full from the participating company where those points were earned to cover the cost allocation of those points.

Schoolfunds is not responsible for changes to, or discontinuance of any points earning opportunity through third party companies, nor are schoolfunds responsible for the inaccurate communication of points earned through a participating site, by that participating company.

The individual schools are responsible for assessing any tax implications that may arise through redeeming points, and for the payment of any said taxes.

To redeem points against free rewards the school account must have sufficient points accrued and fully paid for by the relevant participating companies. Points that have been allocated, but not yet paid for are never available for redemption. For practical purposes, the minimum number of points that can be redeemed is 1000 points per redemption.

Schoolfunds reserves the right to change the range of products and services available for redemption of points, as well as the number of points required to make any such redemption from time to time and will be communicated via the schoolfunds website.

Points may not be transferred to other accounts nor pooled together in any manner.

Unless specifically notified otherwise, all rewards supplied to use in return for points are provided solely by the named third party, and Schoolfunds makes no warrant in respect to any Reward. Rewards are purchased on your behalf from third party companies by Schoolfunds. You must exchange defective products or goods by following the supplier-designated procedures.

Schoolfunds points have no monetary value, and cannot be used for any purpose other than redeeming designated rewards. At no time will Rewards or points be available to be refunded for any cash value.

The sale or barter of points is strictly prohibited by schoolfunds.

You give permission to Schoolfunds to provide your customer details to third party companies for their use within the rules and restrictions of the Data Protection Act, unless you have indicated that you wish to "opt out". You have the full right to "opt out" of any third party communication at any time through notifying Schoolfunds of your wishes.

By joining the scheme you agree to allow Schoolfunds to communicate with you via email with suitable offers containing opportunities for earning points and Schoolfunds will always use this communication method responsibly. In the event that you are unhappy with the level of communication between Schoolfunds and yourself, you may leave the Scheme at any time by communicating your intention to Schoolfunds.

The school expressly agrees that no points are available for redemption until payment has been received in respect to these points, regardless of whether they appear in the school account information. Schoolfunds will not be responsible for the non-collection of any monies due in relation to the points, and the subsequent non-issuance or removal of points from the school account for this reason.

We may from time to time adjust the school account upwards or downwards in respect to accounting errors, non-payment from third parties, refunds issued, products returned or suspected fraud, for which we have full authority.

Schoolfunds reserves the right to terminate the Scheme at any time. In the event of this, you will have 30 days from the notice date of the Scheme termination to redeem any points as per the above terms and conditions. Unless specified otherwise, no additional points will be able to be accrued during this Termination period.

Schoolfunds will make every effort to communicate to all participating schools the termination period, however we will not be held responsible for failing to notify any school regardless of the reason.

Schoolfunds may modify this agreement from time to time, with or without notice, and your continued participation in the Scheme will be deemed as your acceptance of the new terms and conditions.

A schools participation and acceptance into the Scheme is subject to these terms and conditions, and participation may be refused at the sole discretion of Schoolfunds without recourse. Any fraud or abuse of the system will result in the immediate termination of that account and total forfeit of any points accrued.

All questions or dispute regarding the Scheme, including without limitation, questions regarding participation and eligibility must be submitted in writing within 90 days of the query where applicable, to, 59 High Street, Littleton Panell, Devizes, Wiltshire. SN10 4ES. Any such dispute will be resolved by Schoolfunds at their sole discretion. All interpretations of these terms and conditions shall be at the sole discretion of Schoolfunds. In the event of an error by Schoolfunds your sole recourse will be the crediting of any disputed points.

Annual Prize Fund

The prize fund accumulates points from companies where schoolfunds are unable to award them to a specific school for what ever reason. The prize fund will also include bonus points and promotional points awarded by schoolfunds.

The prize fund will be allocated to actively participating schools from time to time as detailed on the website. The allocation will be randomly selected by an official of schoolfunds on or shortly after the closing date for the draw. The decision of the allocation is final.

The names of the prize winning schools will be posted on the website and the points added to their total.

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Authorised Users

Under this Agreement, Schoolfunds gives you permission to access and use the Services for your personal use only.

You may not modify, reformat, copy, display, distribute, transmit, publish, license, create derivative works from, transfer or sell any information, products, or service obtained by your use of the Services.

You may not mirror on your own Web site any portion of the Services or display through your own Web site any pages or other information from the Services without Schoolfunds express permission.

The technology and content on the Web site and within the Services and the Scheme are owned by Schoolfunds and/or its licensors (including Schoolfunds advertisers and other content providers) and is protected by intellectual property rights including copyright and trademarks ("Intellectual Property"). Nothing in this Agreement shall give you any rights in respect of the Intellectual Property of Schoolfunds and you hereby acknowledge that you shall not acquire any rights in respect thereof and that all such Intellectual Property is and shall remain vested in Schoolfunds.


Without prejudice to your statutory rights, Schoolfunds makes no warranty of any kind regarding the services, information and materials contained in this site (including, without limitation, text, graphics and links). In particular, Schoolfunds does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via this site is accurate, current or complete, or that use of the site will be uninterrupted, error free or that any information or other material accessible from this site is free of viruses or other harmful components. Schoolfunds disclaims any warranties to the fullest extent permissible by law, whether express or implied.

Limited Liability

Under no circumstances whatsoever shall Schoolfunds be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from the use of the Services or the inability to use the Web site, including but not limited to reliance by you on any information obtained from the Web site or that results from mistakes, omissions, interruptions, deletion of files or e-mail, errors, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission, or any failure of performance, whether or not resulting from Acts of God, communications failure, theft, destruction, or unauthorised access to Schoolfunds records, programs, or Services. Schoolfunds will not be liable for any material of Web sites it links to as part of the Services or for information contained in or part of the Services including but not limited to search results. The respective liability of Schoolfunds, its officers, employees, agents, successors, assigns, and affiliates is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

Objectionable Material

The links on the Web site will let you leave Schoolfunds site. The linked sites are not under the control of Schoolfunds and Schoolfunds is not responsible for the contents of any linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites Schoolfunds encourages you to use discretion when using the Services. Although Schoolfunds does try to exclude objectionable information, the Services may contain information that you find objectionable, harmful, deceptive or otherwise inappropriate. To ensure you do not receive offensive material, you must install your own filtering software if you wish to limit the content available through the Services.

If you come across any site that you believe contains illegal or unlawful material, please contact us at the address below and we will take such action as we believe is appropriate, which may include blocking access to such material and/or contacting the authorities as appropriate.

Privacy and Data Collection

Schoolfunds does not collect personally identifying information from users of the Services unless users have explicitly given such information to Schoolfunds. In addition, third party advertisers and merchants, and other third parties who control and operate Web sites that we may provide you with links to, will have different information collection and privacy practices to Schoolfunds, which we are not responsible for. Please see our

, which forms part of these terms and conditions, and further describes Schoolfunds information practices. If you have entered into another agreement with Schoolfunds (such as an Advertiser Agreement, Agency Agreement or Affiliate Agreement), then you may be subject to additional or different provisions regarding privacy and data collection. You should consider any communication that you transmit to Schoolfunds (such as data, questions or answers, comments, or suggestions) as non-confidential, and agree that Schoolfunds will not be liable or responsible if information that belongs to you is intercepted and used by an unintended recipient.

Sever ability

If any provision of these Terms shall be found at any time to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall in no way prejudice or affect the other provisions of these Terms which shall remain in full force and effect.


No waiver of any of these Terms will be effective unless made in writing. Any waiver by Schoolfunds of a breach of any part of these Terms shall not be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or of any other Term.

Third Parties

A person who is not a party to this Agreement has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this Agreement but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from the Act.


Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Services will be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the London Court of Arbitration. Any such controversy or claim must be arbitrated on an individual basis, and must not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party. The arbitration must be conducted in London, England, and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof. Either you or Schoolfunds may seek any interim or preliminary relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in England, as necessary to protect the rights or property of you or Schoolfunds.

Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent possible, and the other provisions contained herein will remain in full force and effect. Schoolfunds failure to insist upon or enforce strict performance of any condition shall not be construed as a waiver of any provision or right. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall be construed as forming a partnership or joint venture either with individuals enrolled in the Scheme, or participation third party companies. No third party company will have the right or ability to create any obligation on Schoolfunds behalf. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Schoolfunds in regards to the Services and the Scheme.


You may direct any comments or any questions concerning this Agreement to our legal department at the address below


Schoolfunds may amend this Agreement at any time by posting the amended terms on its Web site. Except as stated herein, all amended terms are automatically effective immediately once they are posted.

This agreement was last revised on 2 May 2008.

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Copyright © 2003-2009 All rights reserved.

Date: 10/22/2024

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